The 30 year anniversary for Snake River Chinook salmon listed on the ESA.
At noon on Earth Day April 22, join fellow dedicated grassroots advocates, neighbors, and friends on the shores of the Columbia River.
Gather at the Waterfront Park Grant Street Pier where you will listen to "Right as Rain" fill the air with inspiring tunes and speakers give meaningful messages. Then join in a procession to the congressional offices of Sen Cantwell, Sen Murray, and Rep Herrera-Beutler on Officer’s Row in the Vancouver Historic District.
Procession will halt at the I-5 Evergreen Blvd overpass where you may choose to stay and join in a Banner Brigade while others proceed on to Officers' Row to deliver postcards, letters, and messages.
Sen. Murray and Gov. Inslee have committed to providing a draft of a comprehensive report by mid-May that looks at replacing the services of the 4 lower Snake River dams. Then by July 31, 2022, they promise to deliver their recommendations. Earth Day is the 100 day countdown until these recommendations are due.
Let your elected officials hear your voice calling for a free-flowing lower Snake River.
** Time is Now ~ Free the Snake River ~ Save Salmon and Orca! * *
* * Restore the Pacific Northwest Ecosystem * *
Background Information at 30-Year Vigil action campaign.