We'll hear from Rocky about his groundbreaking research and series of editorials in 1997 calling for the breaching of four Snake River dams to save salmon. We'll discuss where we've been, and where we are now, and the urgency of the Federal/State initiative to develop a comprehensive solution for Snake River salmon and Northwest communities.
If you have further questions - please email Carrie Herrman - carrie@wildsalmon.orgSCHEDULE + DETAILS
5:00 pm Meet and greet w/ Rocky - Wild Salmon Appetizers and libations provided
6:00 pm Partial showing of DamNation followed by a presentation and discussion with Rocky - Time for questions after
Save Our wild Salmon is a diverse, nationwide coalition working together to restore wild salmon and steelhead to the rivers, streams and marine waters of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of our region's ecology, economy and culture.
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