Submit public comment: draft 'Lower Snake River Dams' Benefits Replacement Report'!
Last year, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray and Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee acknowledged the extinction crisis facing Snake River salmon and promised to develop a plan by July 31, 2022, to protect and restore them. As part of this initiative, they hired a consultant to identify how to replace the services currently provided by the four federal dams on the lower Snake River.
On June 9, 2022, they released their highly anticipated ‘Draft Lower Snake River Dams Benefits Replacement Report.’ This document makes clear that the dams’ services – energy, irrigation, and barge transportation - can be fully, feasibly, and affordably replaced with reliable, cost-effective alternatives.
The findings from this report lay the foundation for developing a comprehensive solution to restore the lower Snake River and its salmon, help critically endangered orcas, uphold our nation’s promises to Tribal Nations, and invest in communities and infrastructure.
A public comment period is open now through July 11 – and Sen. Murray and Gov. Inslee need to hear from you! This 30-day comment period provides a critical opportunity to express appreciation for their leadership and strong support for bold, urgent action to protect salmon from extinction. We expect a final report in mid-July and a roadmap for salmon recovery – including a decision on whether to remove the dams – by the end of July.
SUBMIT YOUR PUBLIC COMMENT TODAY - That the draft report confirms the LSR dams’ services can be replaced and we need to work urgently with the region’s Tribes and stakeholders to develop and deliver a comprehensive plan this year to remove the lower Snake River dams and protect endangered salmon and orca from extinction, invest in our communities and infrastructure – and move everyone forward together.
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Comment on the draft report today! “Keeping these dams is too expensive and losing salmon is not a price we're willing to pay!”
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